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Global Hygiene Solutions Manufacturer
DISARP manufactures cleaning products, cosmetics and agrochemicals since 1985 ...
Regarding Industrial Laundry, Hotels, Restaurants, Geriatric, Hospitals, Automotive, Agrochemical, among others DISARP produces revolutionary products and dosing systems.
EcoZ is the new DISARP patent that will mark a before and after cleaning. Under motto "Green Over Green", DISARP tries to make a greener world for everyone.
Winners of the "Best Ecofriendly Hygiene Product Manufacturer European 2019" UK
Regarding Industrial Laundry, Hotels, Restaurants, Geriatric, Hospitals, Automotive, Agrochemical, among others DISARP produces revolutionary products and dosing systems.
EcoZ is the new DISARP patent that will mark a before and after cleaning. Under motto "Green Over Green", DISARP tries to make a greener world for everyone.
Winners of the "Best Ecofriendly Hygiene Product Manufacturer European 2019" UK
The reduction in the use of plastics of up to 95%. ECOZ products are made with biodegradable materials that break down due to the action of biological agents in natural environmental conditions. Its operation consists of reusing the sprayer and recharging the biodegradable product bags. Degreasers, multipurpose and bathroom cleaner under the EU ECOLABEL.
The reduction in the use of plastics of up to 95%. ECOZ products are made with biodegradable materials that break down due to the action of biological agents in natural environmental conditions. Its operation consists of reusing the sprayer and recharging the biodegradable product bags. Degreasers, multipurpose and bathroom cleaner under the EU ECOLABEL.
EcoZ Line
Patented chemical products storage system in bags
Patented chemical products storage system in bags
Patented chemical cleaning products storage system in bags, saving time and cost, reducing plastic use and CO2 emissions.
-Elegant design format.
-Product color codes.
-Vacuum loading.
-Easy use.
-Works in any position.
-The bag can be hooked and unhooked.
- Minimum plastic waste.
-Green point bag.
-Low weight load.
-Storage savings
-Transportation savings
-CO2 reduction
-Ecolabel range
-Elegant design format.
-Product color codes.
-Vacuum loading.
-Easy use.
-Works in any position.
-The bag can be hooked and unhooked.
- Minimum plastic waste.
-Green point bag.
-Low weight load.
-Storage savings
-Transportation savings
-CO2 reduction
-Ecolabel range
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